We are the anti-poverty authority. The Community Action network is comprised of over 1000 independent non-profit and public organizations covering every county in the United States.
Here in Pennsylvania, Community Action Association represents 42 Community Action Agencies across the Commonwealth. Each Community Action agency receives direct federal funds from the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). Each agency is uniquely addressing the Social Determinants of Health through various programming, informed by regular Community Needs Assessments, to understand the needs of those most vulnerable in every community. While the approaches and composition of programming is unique by Agency, all are unified on ensuring the health-related social needs of their customers are being met.
Pennsylvania’s Community Action Agencies are a trusted entity by the people who access their programs which can range from those who live below the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines to families whose income is reaching 200% of poverty.
While many will argue that poverty will always be with us, Community Action believes that poverty is man made and can be eradicated through policy, programs, and caring about those who live in their communities. They are on the front lines and understand that poverty in 2024 is a complicated issue. Only through public-private partnerships, having a seat at their local decision-making tables with public and corporate entities and through the blending and braiding of a variety of safety net funds will we truly move the needle for the over three million Pennsylvanians that are using government health care programs.
Utilizing a collective impact approach, most (97%) of the local agencies are members of the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania (CAAP). CAAP’s vision is to be recognized in Pennsylvania’s policy-setting and legislative groups as the authority on issues of poverty, self-sufficiency, and community development, exemplifying our core values of compassion, honesty, and reliability.
What We Do
Community Action is the “go-to” network for social determinants of health (SDOH) and health-related social need (HRSN) services.
Community Action Agencies are very familiar with federal and state funding having partnerships in various Pennsylvania Departments.
Community Action Agencies already offer programs that align with Medicaid SDOH and Health-Related Social Needs. The community-based programs also provide critical services required in Pennsylvania’s pending 1115 Waiver.
Community Action Agencies are willing to partner with healthcare organizations to truly build a local, high-touch, network of comprehensive care that takes an individual’s whole life into consideration. Each Community Action Agency is required to complete a community needs assessment every three years and ensure that the programs offered align with the community needs.
Community Action Agencies are accustomed to collecting and reporting on multiple data points to document the characteristics of the individuals being served, the services being provided, and the outcomes of those services.
To provide “whole-person care,” Pennsylvania needs a local, responsive ecosystem to deliver across socioeconomic, behavioral health and physical needs. Community Action Agencies have been delivering at the local level in all Pennsylvania Counties for over 60 years.
Looking to partner? Download our Value Statement for Alignment to Healthcare below!
Our Work: Workplace Culture
The Community Action Association of Pennsylvania (CAAP) is committed to fostering a welcoming and supportive environment for all. We believe in creating opportunities that strengthen communities and ensure fairness, respect, and dignity for everyone we serve. As an organization, we strive to promote positive change and encourage others to do the same, both within Community Action and the broader community.
We are dedicated to continuous improvement, taking meaningful action to address disparities and create lasting impact through our work and advocacy.

"We run lots of programs, but we try and think how to broker those programs towards an end goal, and that’s helping to empower a family to reach self-sufficiency or collaborating with the community to create a path out of poverty."
– Megan Shreve, CEO of South Central Community Action Programs
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