General Resources

Staffing and HR Support

  • CAAP’s learning course library, FREE to all CAAP member’s staff!

    This tool serves as an interactive and passive training tool. Aside from our CAP Infinity Basic course that meets the Pennsylvania directive on Continuous Improvement, CAAP Learn is also a repository for many other resources. This includes the 2022 webinar series and accompanying materials, COPOS training, the CAAP Statewide DEI Summit, and webinars on management, governance, human resource, and DEI. You can also find technology tools, community action history, customer service, employee well-being, and census data, among other resources. We continue to work to build and grow CAAP Learn to serve our members’ needs better.


    How to create a CAAP Learn account ⮕

  • We understand that often it is challenging to navigate for new Community Action staff what the “network” means, and who we are at CAAP and how it all fits together! Check out this packet to incorporate in your staff onboarding practices.

    Download CAAP Welcome kit ⮕

    Looking for some other fun onboarding resources?
    Check out our downloadables!

    Printable affirmation cards ⮕

    Staff Favorites: Ideas for staff incentives and rewards ⮕

    Community Action Acronym Reference Guide ⮕

  • Interested in digging into what your staff has to say about their work at your organization? Looking for an objective third party to conduct them? CAAP is very excited to help support our network in conducting and assessing results of stay interviews at your organization.

    If you’d like to hear more about this service to CAAP members please email

    Or looking to do on your own? Use our template ⮕

  • Looking for CAAP Staff to review and optimize your position descriptions? Please complete the form below and expect confirmation of review or questions from CAAP staff.

    Complete Position Description Review Request Here ⮕