Agenda Details

2024 CAAP Conference

Agenda Details • 2024 CAAP Conference •

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Pre Conference Tracks

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

  • The Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS) is an interactive, immersive experience that gives participants a glimpse into the structural barriers facing individuals living on low-income.

    In-person training opportunities equip attendees with the skills to host their own CAPS Poverty Simulations including planning, facilitating, and debriefing the training. All attendees become certified CAPS Facilitators following an in-person training.

    PREREQUISITE required of attendance of a Poverty Simulation.

    Provided by Missouri Community Action Network

    Download Facilitator Brochure ⮕

Pre Conference Tracks

9:30 am - 5:00 pm

  • Details coming soon.

    Looking to add to the agenda? Email Mel Luckenbaugh at

Pre Conference Tracks

  • Join us for the Annual CAAP Membership meeting to vote on our upcoming board slate and by law changes.

    Additional details coming soon.

  • Fiscal staff are invited to a dedicated pre conference track to connect with other fiscal professionals in the network and engage in 101 bootcamp training.

    Facilitator details coming soon.

11:00 am - 5:00 pm

6:00 pm Off Site CAAPy Hour Location Coming Soon

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Registration open 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Breakfast served 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Keynote Speaker

Leia Belt

Dr. Leia Belt, PhD, is Postdoctoral Scholar in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts' (SSHA) Department of Sociology at the University of California, Merced. She holds a interdisciplinary a PhD, specializing in Medical Sociology and Social Epidemiology from the University of Iowa. Her research is dedicated to quantifying the impact of structural inequalities, with interests spanning various domains, including the examination of structural racism within health, technology, and higher education curricula. Her work is characterized by a Du Boisan mixed-methods approach, with a distinctive emphasis on community engagement and the use of unique and interactive visualizations. This approach integrates her interests in art and love for her communities to co-facilitate meaningful change.

Presented by:

Session 1

Wednesday, Oct. 23rd Breakout Sessions

11:30 AM - 12:45 PM

  • More information coming soon.

  • Although some might wish to conceptualize our workspaces, homes, and communities as culturally neutral, employees/ers, students, children, families, and community members cannot leave their sociocultural identities at the door; we use trauma-informed approaches to expand cultural capacity. This workshop will cover the data from McKinsey and Company's research and discuss how taking a trauma-informed approach will provide you with practical steps to building your relationships, organizations, and bottom line.

  • This presentation will review several of the top fouls committed by boards of directors and will engage the group in discussing ways that change management can be implement within organizations to increase board efficiency, quality, and support for the organization. Through a variety of engagement techniques, the facilitator will generate discussion on several areas of struggles that often occur with non-profit organization boards of directors.  Large and small group discussion and planned activities will support strategy generation around supporting board development and decreasing ineffective and toxic boards and board culture.  The topics covered to assist with the learning objectives will include board standards, board governance, duties of board members and others.

  • Two agencies – one goal. Join us for an insightful workshop on how strategic partnerships between healthcare providers and community organizations can effectively address food disparities and improve access to nutritious food. This session will explore the successful collaboration between Geisinger Health Plan and Central Susquehanna Opportunities (CSO), highlighting their shared goal of reducing food insecurity through innovative solutions. 

    Learn about the foundational steps involved in creating impactful partnerships, from establishing a clear and actionable plan to executing a common goal. The workshop will focus on the development and implementation of a mobile food pantry—a 32-foot self-contained trailer that delivers fresh, healthy food across three counties. Discover the journey of how this concept was brought to life, the challenges faced, and the successes achieved over the past year. 

    In addition to the mobile food pantry initiative, the session will cover a second 2024 Geisinger partnership: the Fresh Food Farmacy Satellite location at the Hazelton Integration Project, which links clinical and community efforts to tackle food insecurity and diabetes. Gain insights into how these programs utilize data-driven strategies, improve health outcomes, and offer practical advice for other community-based organizations aiming to make a significant impact in their regions. 

    This workshop will provide valuable lessons learned, practical guidance, and inspiration for exploring unconventional partnerships in public health services to address food insecurity and enhance community health. 

12:45 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch & Networking
Commonwealth Salon 3 & 4

Session 2

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

  • More information coming soon.

  • A tax credit program is a win-win proposition for your Community Action organization and your local business community. The Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program is a way for your Community Action to bring in private funds from local businesses and the businesses get a benefit, too. In this workshop, you will learn how businesses can apply for tax credits and how your Community Action can use this tool to promote your work to the local business community.

  • Bring your laptops! This will be a working session where you’ll walk away having learned not only the logistics of using Policy Map but also ways in which other CAAs are using it to support their work.

  • Currently, there are five (5) generations in the workforce. Some statisticians expect that by 2025, 75% of the workforce will be occupied by Millennials. Cultural and generational awareness plays a key role in the ability to build cohesive, successful teams. Thus, supporting the advancement of equity across all sectors. This workshop is designed to look at the differences among cultures and generations and provide tools to navigate these differences for positive social outcomes.

3:15 pm - 3:30 pm Refreshment Break

Session 3

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

  • More information coming soon.

  • The nature of our conversation is fateful. The way we think and talk about any given situation determines whether we feel energized and good about it, or drained and exhausted. Grounded in the book, Conversations Worth Having: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Fuel Productive and Meaningful Engagement, come play with two practices to change the way you think about things, interact with others, and create a possibility mindset by talking about what you want instead of what you don't want. The two practices "asking generative questions and positive framing" allow you to adapt and address even the most challenging and high-stress problems with creativity and energy.

    We're ditching the slides and diving into real-life challenges you want to reframe during the session. We'll work together first, and then you'll play a modified version of Conversations Worth Having's game Shift This! (which is similar to the game Apples to Apples) in small groups. It's fun; it's easy, and most importantly, you'll be able to use what you learn right away. 

    In keeping with the theme, "It Starts With Us," this is your invitation to develop habits that will help you embrace the unknown and foster an environment where innovation and adaptability become the foundation of progress.

  • In our evolving society, the narratives surrounding poverty and marginalized communities often perpetuate stereotypes and systemic inequalities. This workshop delves into strategic communications as a tool for transforming these narratives. Participants will examine the power of language and storytelling in shaping public perception and policy outcomes. Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, we will explore strategies for inclusive and authentic communication, centering on marginalized voices and addressing systemic barriers. Case studies and best practices will illustrate successful approaches to narrative change, empowering attendees to drive social change and advocate for equitable policies in their communities.

  • This session will walk through the experiences Community Progress Council faced as being one of the 36 nationwide recipients of the WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Grant (CIAO). Learn the innovative approach they took to not only increase outreach to families and enrollment in WIC but also further integrate WIC into their comprehensive service delivery model, including their client services management system. Attendees will leave with concrete examples of how data should inform the scope of grant proposals and ways to help your organization think through a multiple program integration model that is comprehensive yet required to address barriers to economic self-sufficiency.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm CAAPtivating Excellence Awards
Commonwealth Salon 3 & 4

Formal attire recommended

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Registration open 7:30 am - 1:30 pm
Breakfast served 8:00 am - 9:00 am

CAAP Plenary

9:00 am - 10:00 am

CAAP Staff will take the main stage to spotlight the benefits of CAAP membership, including exciting new partnerships and enhancements to membership services for the upcoming 2024-2025 program year. Attendees will gain insight into the exclusive opportunities and resources available to CAAP members as we look forward to a year of growth and innovation.

10:00 am - 10:15 am Break

Session 4

Thursday, October 24th Breakout Sessions

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM

  • Building on the plenary, CAAP staff will have an open session to answer questions regarding any of the topics covered. Curious about CAAP Learn and Info Hub – get a demo as to what each is and the value of each (this description needs wordsmithed). 

    Similar to the Organizational Standards session last year, CAAP and DCED are working together to determine the highest need area(s) to cover for this session.  

  • Learn how to spot the signs and symptoms of burnout and overwhelm, quiet your minds, and tap into your creative energy to enhance your well-being and productivity. By lowering stress levels, improving focus, and enhancing creativity, attendees will boost their overall well-being and be able to serve more. 

    In this 75-minute workshop, attendees will discover how to manage digital consumption, including reducing or getting off social media, taking a digital fast, and finding a digital accountability partner through practical strategies and exercises. You will learn techniques to quiet your mind and tap into your creativity, starting with simple actions like turning off notifications. I will debunk the myth that stress and force lead to productivity, demonstrating instead how working in a state of flow can enhance efficiency and happiness. Participants will segment their day like a mindful project manager, creating balanced and focused working days. 

    The interactive and engaging workshop will also cover how to make mental course corrections throughout the day, beginning with meditation. Attendees will learn to set deliberate purposes before starting any task, become intentional about critical moments, visualize ideal outcomes, and then expect those outcomes to actualize. This holistic approach to mindfulness work will help participants manage stress, boost their creativity, and ultimately improve their well-being and productivity.

  • This session will help participants answer critical questions about the power of partnerships and gain strategies to increase understanding, make better, more sustainable decisions, and build empathy and trust. 

    • What are the barriers and challenges? 

    • What are the levers that make for a truly inclusive, productive board environment? 

    • What are some specific strategies and tools to ensure meaningful engagement? 

  • Did you know? 1 of every 3 Americans has a criminal record. Criminal records are permanent unless pardoned. If an individual has ever plead guilty or been convicted of a state crime in Pennsylvania and has completed their sentence, they should consider applying for a pardon, which is total forgiveness that erases their record.  

    Pardon applications are free and easier than ever to submit. The Pardon Project of Somerset County ( helps non-violent ex-offenders (and their families) move their lives forward. This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the role that CAA's can play in helping people with a second chance at life through a statewide network of pardon projects. It truly does "start with us," as an organization. 

    Learn more about pardon reform and the simple process of applying for a pardon. Check out the most recent data, statistics and analysis that highlights the success of pardon reform. Gain insights on effective partnership building and developing a comprehensive network of support. Learn how pardons are a low-cost economic and workforce development strategy. 

11:30 am - 12: 45 pm Lunch & Networking
Commonwealth Salon 3 & 4

Session 5

12:45 PM - 2:00 PM

  • Hands on session to learn how to optimize the tools available via MS Office to be most effective and efficient.

  • This workshop will cover three topics with the common theme of expanding housing opportunities and empowering communities to control housing outcomes. Regional Housing Legal Services' expert staff will discuss 

    1. housing developments for returning citizens and tenant screening policies that support people with criminal histories; 

    2. community land trusts and how to move housing from the speculative real estate market into community control; and 

    3. what designation as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) means for building the capacity of community-based organizations, including Community Action Agencies.

  • Family-Centered Coaching deepens how organizations center on the experience of families and encourages the power of choice to honor individuals as they navigate pathways to economic property, personal fulfillment, and racial justice. We will explore real world examples to understand how implementing FCC can foster a shared language among providers that supports collaboration, builds greater empathy within teams, and throughout various levels of an organization, breaks down organizational silos, and increases a sense of purpose among staff.

2:00 pm - 2:15 Refreshment Break

2:15 pm - 3:15 pm Closing Session
Commonwealth Salon 3 & 4

Don’t miss on your goodie bag to go for a delightful send off on your way home!

Thank you to our Advocate Sponsors:

Thank you to Our Sponsors