Tri County Community Action

In this episode of ThinkingCAAP, Beck Moore and Amanda Hoprich sit down with Jen Wintermyer, CEO of Tri County Community Action, to uncover how data-driven strategies are reshaping the fight against poverty. Jen shares the innovative ways her organization leverages data to address social determinants of health, foster meaningful partnerships, and develop programs that truly meet community needs.

From surprising insights—like the role of refrigerators in maternal health—to actionable advice for collaborating with healthcare systems, this episode dives into the intersection of data, equity, and impactful community action. Whether you’re a nonprofit leader, advocate, or simply curious about the transformative power of data, this conversation will inspire you to rethink how we build stronger, healthier communities.

Tune in to learn how Tri County Community Action is leading the charge in Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry counties—and how you can invest in your community’s success.

ThinkingCAAP Talking Points

[00:00] Introductions and Setting the Stage

  • Co-hosts Amanda Hoprich and Beck Moore introduce the podcast guest, Jen Wintermeyer.

  • They discuss the focus on social determinants of health and the importance of community action programming.

[2:04] Key Elements in Building a Case for Support

  • Jen Wintermeyer shares the importance of understanding and utilizing data to build a case for support focused on social determinants of health.

  • She highlights the significance of analyzing health data and using it to address community needs.

[7:04] Tri County Community Action Programs and Approach

  • Jen explains the pillars of Tri County Community Action's approach: early childhood and family development, employment, education, financial empowerment, housing security, and community development.

  • She emphasizes the holistic, comprehensive, and whole-family approach.

[13:39] Importance of Data and Understanding Inequities

  • Beck Moore discusses the importance of data in understanding disparities in the context of eradicating poverty.

  • The conversation highlights the necessity of analyzing systemic challenges and utilizing data to address deep-rooted issues in local neighborhoods.

[14:23] Nonprofits' Access to Data and Healthcare Perceptions

  • Beck and Jen touch on the frustration around perceptions of nonprofits and their access to data.

  • They emphasize the misconception and discuss the significant role of nonprofits, including community action organizations, in data analysis and addressing community needs.

[14:33] Recognizing the Importance of Data in Community Action

  • Jen discusses how data is ingrained in the fabric of community action.

  • She explains that data is crucial for meaningful actions and exploration.

[15:18] Understanding the Complexity of Community-Based Organizations

  • Jen highlights the frustration community action agencies face when professionals perceive them as not understanding data.

  • She emphasizes the need for education and awareness of the sophistication of community-based organizations.

[17:26] Walking Alongside and Understanding Community Needs

  • The conversation delves into the importance of truly understanding the challenges faced by the community.

  • Jen shares an example of making pivots, such as the fresh food market initiative, to address actual community needs.

[19:40] Finding Success Through Data Analysis and Partnerships

  • Jen shares surprising successes in data analysis and partnership development, like identifying the need for refrigerators and stoves instead of a farmers market.

  • She highlights the positive impact on maternal health and families in recovery.

[22:29] Starting Conversations with Healthcare

  • The discussion offers insights for community action agencies when engaging with healthcare entities.

  • They emphasize translating program descriptions and seeking external perspectives to ensure clarity and relevance.

[28:47] Combatting Poverty as a Community Action Agency

  • Jen discusses how Tri County Community Action combats poverty regardless of its cause.

  • She highlights their commitment to stepping in as part of the solution in Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry counties.

[29:24] Investing Back in the Community with Tri County Community Action

  • Beck encourages listeners to invest in their community by getting involved with Tri County Community Action in Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry counties.

  • She mentions the organization's website for more information.

[29:49] Submitting Questions and Federal Poverty Guidelines

  • Beck invites listeners to submit questions for future episodes.

  • She expresses interest in having Jen back to discuss federal poverty guidelines, citing her valuable insights and expertise.

[30:13] Gratitude and Anticipated Future Conversations

  • Beck and Jen express gratitude for the conversation and plan to talk again soon.

  • They thank listeners for joining the episode and encourage them to subscribe for future releases.

Transcript of Episode 7

Hello and welcome to the latest episode of the Thinking CAAP. I am your host, Amanda Hopperch. Joining me today is my co-host, hello. Beck Moore, CEO here at CAAP. And we also have a special guest with us today, Jennifer Wintermeyer, who is the CEO of Tri County Community Action. Hello, Jen, thanks for being here.


Hello, thanks for having me. 

You didn't really have a choice to be fair, but you know, that is true. But thank you. We were happy to have you.


We're very excited to jump in with Jen today and talk about just, you know, we've had (Shout out to episode two) we had with Karen Van Sant and some of our latest episodes in one of our favorite topics in talking about social determinants of health and why we're so excited to jump in with Jen is Jen is the creme de la creme, shall we say, the epitome of where the rubber meets the road in community action, in bringing all of the theory and foundations of social determinants of and how it works in our community action programming. I think one of our gurus, that's what I would say. One of the gurus right there. No pressure. Well, you're someone, Jen, that early on.


Absolutely. Really helped me to understand a different framework for the work of community action and how we started to translate then our networks work through a different lens. Right. Because as we've talked about in prior episodes, if you go back to episode three with Denise Harlow, she talked a little bit about the framework of community action. You're featured in our video, of course, on our website, and you share kind of the differences in approaches of our organizations and you really help us to reset on the storytelling that we need to do because it's not always about the program, it's about the framework.


Exactly. So Amanda, kick us off here with some questions, keep us on script. Otherwise, you know, Jen and I will just go off on our own tangents. I'm very excited. So what I would love to pick your brains, Beck and Jen both is jumping right into the foundational understanding when we talk about, you know, to your point about how Jen sort of helped frame this.


But what are some of the key elements to understand and consider when building, you know, your case for support, really focused on social determinants of health in, you know, in a community action agency. What are those key elements that you see? 

Yeah, I think some of the core key elements is knowing what your data is and what that data is telling you. And I, I guess the best way I can reference that is If I go back to when we first started thinking about social determinants of health and when we first started using that language, and that was about 10 years ago now, and it was around the work that we were doing in one targeted census tract in our three county footprint around community planning, community revitalization and community development.


And that process involved going out to the people who lived in the community and saying, what are your values? What do you want to see about your community? How can you be part of that solution? As well as doing a whole lot of data gathering? And what we found, when we were talking to folks and we were starting to develop this comprehensive plan for this neighborhood, we realized that people were telling us, it's great if you tackle safety and it's great if you can reduce traffic, and it's great if you can attract new business.


But we feel like crap, and none of that stuff matters if we still feel like crap. And so we started looking at health data, we started pulling this all in and saw that the people living in the census tract were living more than five years less than their neighboring census tract within the same zip code. And then we were seeing that they did not have access to grocery stores that either accepted SNAP benefits or sold healthy fruits and vegetables. They did not have access to access to free recreational facilities. And then we began looking at, okay, if you don't have access in your neighborhood, where are you going?


And we saw that folks were walking, and so we walked literally alongside them and saw that they were crossing busy roads that didn't have crosswalks and were poorly lit and intersections where traffic wasn't managed well, and they were having to go buy properties and entire blocks that were blighted and vacant and just pulling all this stuff in. And we, we went to the police department and we used a criminologist to help us get crime data and overlay that. And we just pulled all this data in. And so we had a tremendous amount of data. And we said, we don't know what to do with it, right?


And so our first reach out in this world was to then say, we need some expertise to help us understand what all these data points mean, help us see the intersections and help us determine what the best plans are for the residents of this neighborhood. And we ended up going to a health plan in our region and saying, for a completely different reason. But at the end of it, we said, oh, by the way, we really need help understanding all this health data we have, and we really need help pulling together this and that piqued their ears. And they said, you know what, we have a lot of members in that area and we'd really like to know this stuff too. And they actually funded our first study that we worked with the local university on to understand what the social determinants of health health meant in this community and how we can improve the health and well being of folks living in this community through built environment.


And that was all before COVID Right. And so we were thinking about that from the, the idea of built environment and then post COVID when a lot of the changes started coming out of CMS and we started to hear a lot about value based, value based contracts and this mandate for healthcare and managed care organizations to begin working with community Action agenc, we had already been using the language and the framework and we had already understood how what we did impacted the healthcare world and how we can begin to utilize our data in that way. And so I think one of the foundational elements really is what's your data, what can you do with it? And be honest, what you can't do with it as well. But I think that was really core for us is it started all with data.


I love all of what you just shared for so many different reasons. And I just want to make sure to remind our listeners that if you are a community action agency in Pennsylvania, we provide some pretty amazing technologies to help understand deep community needs. So if you don't know what those are, please reach out to us. We want to make sure that you're connected to those particular tools. So I want to take a step back for a second and if you can a little bit, then I want to get back to some of the data pieces and what you described about walking alongside someone, because I think that that is just such an amazing distinguishing point that is so important to do this, to do this work.


If you can, if you can give us some framework of Tri county and some of the programs and services that you run, just so that people can understand a little bit about who you all are. Because we had Aaron Lucos from Bucks County Opportunity Council on a prior episode, Episode four, and she shared about some of her framework and some of her programs. I just want to give our listeners a little bit of perspective about some of the differences in the approach that we've talked about a number of times. Yeah. So at Tri County Community Action pre-COVID, we really worked hard to define our theory of change and to understand how the different pieces and things that we do fit together towards a collective impact in our community.


We are a three county, 1700 square mile, incredibly diverse footprint, diverse in the people who live there, diverse in the types of communities that are located here. And we are the epitome of what we do in one corner is very, very different what we do in another corner. And so how do we tie that all together? And so we started with our needs assessment data. And I hate to be that person to say needs assessment because sometimes that could feel like a compliance tool.


But we really look at it as a tool. It's intended to be help us better serve our community. And we saw that in our community we had those, we call them health related social needs, right. So we had things, people who didn't have a behavioral health or physical health home. And because their behavioral health or physical health was not managed well, they weren't able to move forward in any of our programming.


We also have stagnant wages and we have structural inequities and racism is alive and well. And we have all these conditions in our community that we're trying to tackle at the same time. And so we break our programming down into four buckets or four pillars. And all of them are focused on not just disrupting the cycle of poverty, but breaking it entirely. We like to say that we don't want to make poverty more comfortable or more tolerable.


We're trying to eradicate it entirely. And we do that through a holistic, comprehensive, whole family, 2gen approach, whatever cliche you want to use, but it's addressing the needs of everybody living in that household as well as the community. So our four buckets. The first is early childhood and family development. Start with families prenatal and work with them until the youngest child hits kindergarten.


Making sure that the children are school-ready through an evidence-based home visiting program, as well as the parents supported in the ways that they need to have healthy families with good structure and well-being. And you know, I think that, I think sometimes when we think about early childhood, we don't realize the impact that has because we check a box and we say, okay kiddo, got to kindergarten, that's great. But the reason why that's so important is by grade three, children make the shift from learning to read to reading to learn. So if you're not at reading level at grade three, you can begin to see those life challenges already stack against that kiddo. And so we can get you ready on kindergarten.


Hopefully you can stay there until you get to grade three. Right? But families that are dealing with the realities of a loved one, with addiction, newly postpartum birth, givers disconnected dads or single dads, fatherhood programs, all this overlay we do to make sure that family unit is strong while that kiddo is getting ready for kindergarten. Our second bucket is our employment, education and financial empowerment programming. And this is really focused on the adults and doing everything we need to do so that they can move off of the public welfare system.


And so that is addressing housing, that is addressing education and employment. That's not just teaching people how to budget. Because I think when you do this work for a long time, you realize that somebody with a little limited income, I'm not going to tell you how to budget your twelve hundred dollars a month any better. You are already doing it in an amazing way. The issue is not that you don't know how to budget, it's that you don't have enough resources coming into the home.


You can't budget your way out of poverty. Exactly. And so, you know, working again with the adults to get them to that place that they have stable employment that supports their family in a meaningful way. Our third bucket is housing security. And this might seem a little misnamed, but for us, our role in the housing continuum is not necessarily the rent checks or that type of supporter supportive housing for those who are chronically unsheltered.


For us, it's once people get housed, we want to keep them housed. We want to stop that cycle from starting. And so it's done through utility assistance program programs. It's done through supportive case management. It's done through.


We do a lot of landlord/tenant eviction mediation. We do a lot of, again, that preventative work. You're housed and whatever housing level that is for you, let's keep you housed. And then our fourth is that very focused community development. Strong families need thriving communities.


And it's so important when we think about the neighborhoods that families live in, everybody wants to live in a healthy neighborhood. Everybody wants to have a great school district. Everybody wants their children to be able to play outside and be safe. And so we engage residents in that solution finding in their own neighborhoods. I love all of that.


Thank you for that perspective. I think it's important for people to understand just how deep, you know, you're looking at the work. And it's as Megan Shreve, one of our other executive directors, talks about. Right, it's micro- and macro-level work. Exactly.


And it's, it's, it's layered. It's so layered, it's complex. Right. So want to go back to something you shared about the data piece and one of the things I say all the time. And people, frankly are probably tired of hearing me say it to a certain degree.


But you can't really help in this world, in this work against eradicating poverty unless you understand the inequities that exist. You can't. Right. Fight to help people through some of the inequities and disparities unless you understand the deep systemic challenges that exist in a local neighborhood or within the context of where someone lives. And so the data component is so, so, so important.


Yeah. One of the frustrations that I know that we've talked about is, and going back to the topic of healthcare and the relationship between nonprofits and healthcare, and this is, you know, we can get a little heated about this. So I want to remind us that we're on a recorded line right now. There is this perception of healthcare, of nonprofits. Right.


And the lack of understanding of data, our access to data and our ability to analyze that data. We know in community action that is not true for us. Right. What, what, what's your reaction to that? To remind myself we're on a recorded line.


Yeah. I think I love that you're both playing nice, though. Thank you. I mean, Jen and I cuss a little when we talk about this, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna hold back. I'm gonna do something I don't typically do. I'm not gonna let the bad words fly.


I'm gonna recognize that. Yeah, I think, I think there's a couple of layers. If I were to be really philosophical and think about this, really deep action are used to data. We live with it, we explore it, we do meaningful things with it.


It is who we are. It's ingrained into our fabric. Health care is looking at nonprofits or community-based organizations on a very different level. They're not just looking at community action agencies. So it's really frustrating when as a community action agency, you hear somebody from the healthcare world go, community-based organizations don't understand data.


Right. And we jump up and down and we get really angry. We're like, we do so understanding their perspective that they are seeing not just community action agencies, but they're also seeing the small, maybe faith-based, all volunteer-led, mission focused emergency service provider. Right, Right. Runs a small human services fund of things like that.


So understanding that they're looking at a full spectrum, I can understand where that comes from in their eyes. I think the opportunity for community action is to stand up and educate and say, we're not that. Right. We are highly sophisticated. We receive Millions of dollars of federal funding.


We know how to braid and blend and we are audited to the highest levels. And we have all these complex integrations internally and externally. And it's normal for us because it's who we are. But we're an anomaly and there's a community-based world. I think.


Yeah. I ask that question mainly because I want to make sure that we're really telling a story about who we are and the complexities of what we represent. And that's not a fair assumption. Just like everything, Right. There's a range of organizations and their complexity and their abilities.


So it's an important thing that distinguishes us and it's baked into our fabric because of how we have to report. And when I say we, I really mean our network. Right. And so I just, I want to make sure to lift that up. And the other thing I just want to recognize is I love.


I want to go back to something you said in the very first question, and I'll let Amanda ask her next question. Is that concept of walking alongside someone. Yeah, Right. We think that we understand because we've seen a movie or maybe we've seen someone walk down the street. But until you've had to ride your bike to work along a highway, you don't really know what it's like to literally risk your life, life or your children's lives just to get them to point A to point B.


Exactly. And it's just right. I think that's such a, again, an important way that you thought about how to approach the work and that you've continued to look at how people have accessed different programs and to make pivots. I know at one point you all had a food market, a fresh food market in the Nelson Hill neighborhood in Dauphin county, which I'm familiar, having worked in an office in that neighborhood, you saw that people weren't accessing it because they were getting that service somewhere else. They had that built into their.


It was an unclear, I think, reality of what you thought you saw and you all pivoted to adjust the approach. And I also just want to say that I commend that because not everyone is able to make that kind of pivot. Yeah. The thing that we say all the time at Tri County is the word actions in our name for a reason, right? Yes, absolutely.


And we need to always go back to the folks that we are working alongside with. And, you know, I try to catch myself and say we're not serving because that's, that's. It's a weird dynamic. We're asking you to invest in yourself just as much as we're investing in you because you're worth it. Right.


And we're willing to do more and we have to do more, but. Right. People are investing in themselves. They're not getting just handouts and walking away.


But we need, we gotta continuously go back and say, what do you need? Is this of value to you? If it's not of value to you, then it's our responsibility to shift and give you something of value. Yeah, completely. So I know, Amanda, we want to be thoughtful about time and you know, our listeners have told us, right.


Jen may be one of them that said, don't go too long. And so we want to be thoughtful about the time that we have. May have said that once or twice. So we want to be thoughtful about the time we have. So we probably have time for what.


But one more question and then your big question that you'd like to ask. Well, and this is so typical because you asked about, you know, the perceived negative is my next question that I wanted to follow up with. What were some of the successes in analyzing this data and entering into these, you know, partnerships with healthcare? What were some of the surprise successes that you found either in the data or, you know, engaging and beginning to develop these partnerships and where you are today from the beginning to now? Any surprise successes?


Yeah, I think, you know, Beck mentioned the, the farmer's market that we started, right. We came under under the assumption we were looking at SNAP utilization rates, we were looking at health outcomes, we were looking at access to healthy fruits and vegetables. And we said, hey, let's start a weekly farmers pop up market. And as an agency, we became a SNAP vendor. So we matched everybody's SNAP dollars dollar for dollar.


And we did the stuff and we continued to analyze the data. And I think one of the realizing that that actually wasn't the need for folks, right? Because we have a really amazing regional food bank in our area that works with really strong food pantry partners. It required us to go back and dig a little bit deeper, right. And so we found that people, for example, didn't have refrigerators or stoves.


And so buying some of these healthy fresh fruits and vegetables and stocking up on them didn't make sense because they didn't have adequate storage. And again, I think had we not had the health partners helping us analyze and think through that data and give us the opportunity to pilot some things, we would not have gotten more to the root of how we can really help this community in our Family services side. When we think about our early childhood programming and the work that we're doing around maternal health, I think we're seeing some really amazing results where we have families that were falling through the cracks before because I think there's a misunderstanding sometimes that you must be in poverty to receive some of these programs. And the reality is most of our programs don't have income requirements on them because they're things that all families need for all families well being. And we've been able to connect with those families in a very different way.


And again, we've been able to go back to our health partners and say, are these meeting the needs of the people you're referring to us? No. Okay, let's add an additional layer, like the postpartum support for moms or like the families in recovery for families dealing with addiction. So I think some of the successes are around that data sharing and being able to say, are you seeing the outcome? If not, let's go back and let's do things in partnership really meaningfully.


I love that. I want to make sure to ask one quick question, Amanda, if we can. That I think is important because I want to make sure that we use this opportunity to help other CBOs, other community action agencies understand the opportunity that exists. And a little bit about where to start. This can be these conversations that you can get into.


And we've presented on this topic before and I've heard you say this. When you think about the very first conversations you started to have with healthcare to today and how much you've learned about the translation of your services over into this different world, where would you encourage someone to start? Where would you encourage a community action executive to start, A team member to start? How do they start to think about all of the pieces so that when they do have the conversation for the first time, they really are knowledgeable enough to hold their own in that initial conversation.


That's a great question.


You know, I think, I think the first place to start is to be very honest, have an ally of your organization that doesn't know anything about what you do, who you are, look at your program descriptions and see if they make sense. We get such a good idea. Yes. I just talked with somebody else about this. Yeah, we get in the habit.


Right. We speak program speak. We write the grants, we write the contracts, we speak our program speak. We use the acronyms. That's all internal.


Right. And I think it's. It's Curse of knowledge is what I like to describe. Yeah. And that's really what led us to defining our theory of change is we went to our board and we said, okay, we have all this community needs assessment data.


Let's strategically plan around it. And our board went, we don't really understand enough about what you do. Right. So if our board, who are our number one allies, are going, this seems disjointed to me, then the people who don't have that insider knowledge are really, really going to feel disjointed. And so I think finding that trusted ally and saying, does this make sense to you?


And translating your programs and what you do at that point around somebody who doesn't have that program knowledge that you do. And if you're a community action agency in Pennsylvania, you can always come to CAAP. We have a number of consultants that will help to do some of that. You can meet with them. Right.


We take on some of those costs on your behalf. Absolutely. And that's because Jennifer Wintermeyer. 555-5571, 7232. But seriously, if you want, if you are looking for that, that help, that's part of why we have a robust list of consultants and people that we work with.


You know, Karen, who, who again was on episode two, she's one of those people, one of our great partners at Clear Link Partners, and there are others that we want to make sure to partner with and talk through some of these issues with. So that you are ready to start to have these conversations. Yeah, absolutely. And I know we're joking about calling, but that's part of. You mentioned Aaron Lucas, you mentioned Megan Shreve.


Right. That's part of some things that we did early on with each other, saying, how are you doing? Would you look at mine? Can you give me input on this? Here's that.


And it's wonderful, again, not to toot your horn back or CAAP's horn, but it's wonderful that CAAP has leaned in this area and can do that because that takes. Right. That takes a lot of burden off of us. But it also, you're pulling in from a wider audience of experts that we could, we could never access on our own. So take advantage of that.


Toot, toot. Thank you for that. You can toot as a board member. Toot, toot. Yeah.


Thank you for that. I think that that's really, I think that's really helpful. All right, Amanda, keep us on time here. All right, Jen, are you ready? I am.


Are you on the edge of your seat? I am. Bated breath. Jennifer Wintermeyer, what myths are you busting about Community Action in your community? Yeah.


Oh, that was such a heavy. Yeah, you need a hug? I'll give you a virtual one.


I don't know if they're myths, but I think what we are working on, and it's actually one of our strategic goals, is to tell our story differently. Right. And I mentioned this before, we are an anti poverty program. Our job is to end poverty, but we also want to prevent people from even getting to that place. The vast majority of the people who walk through our doors have some type of income from some source like employment.


Most of them are above the federal government's poverty line. And that doesn't mean, that doesn't mean that we can't work with folks or don't work with folks in a certain way. But I think that's one of the myths is you don't have to be in poverty, you have to be a person living in our community. And we'll try to connect you to a service and if it's not a service that we provide, we'll try to connect you to somebody else in the community. Right.


Because it's about prevention in many cases. I think we're also busting some myths about, you know, related to healthcare, about our CAAPacity to manage data, about our sophistication of our systems. I think when we're talking with friends in the healthcare world, we're doing some education around how many different systems a community based organization like ours has to enter the same client data in. Because I think, you know, there are their minds, they sit with their electronic medical records, they do everything in it. They hit close and the stuff goes to all the places it does.


That's not the way it works in the social care world. We've got to use each one of those systems differently. And I think we're doing some education with folks to say, is there a way that we can pull this from an existing system for you or do we really need to add the 9th database to our team? Such an important point.


And then again, I think the other thing we tried to bust, and it's not really a myth, but I think what we try to explain to folks is even if it's not a program or service we offer today, we're willing to lean in and be part of the solution. If the data shows that this is a need, we can help step in and plan to fill that gap. Because I think sometimes there's a sense when community organizations look at other community organizations, they say, oh, they're the food, food pantry, oh, they do rent assistance. Oh, they do this. Oh, they do that.


Well, as a community action agency, we combat poverty regardless of the cause. So if there's not somebody else doing that, we are willing to step in and be part of that solution. You're busting the best myths. Did I, did I answer in Cumberland. Dauphin and Perry counties?


You did. You answered that beautifully, I think. Beautifully, yeah. And I want to make sure to give a shout out to Tri County specifically and we've said this on prior episodes, but if you are someone who is looking to invest back in your community, Tri County is a great organization. If you're in Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry County, please check out Tri County Community Action.


You can go to our website,, you can look up their website on our members page to find out where to contact them. Really great organization to spend some time with and just try to, you know, make a difference locally. And if those counties aren't near in your area where you live, find the community action agency who is and connect with them to spend some time helping.


Yeah, absolutely.


Well, thank you so much, Jen. And thank you Beck for always putting up with my antics and sitting in the hot seat. Very much appreciate it. And I just want to put a shout out for our listeners. If you have any questions, questions that you would like to submit for an upcoming episode, please email us at  

We very much appreciate it.


Jen, thank you very much. I really just always appreciate your thoughtfulness about your answers and I would love to have you back to talk a little bit about federal poverty guidelines. I know I've presented alongside of you and you have some really amazing insight that I think people would have some eye-opening moments. Do I need like a beep button for that one for you two though? Yeah, you might, you might, you might.


Although I, I do have to admit I, I don't swear as much unless Beck's around and it just comes out a little bit more naturally. Can't help I bring it out in people. But I just. Again, Jen, thank you. So true.


Thank you so much. I could talk with you all day and we'll talk. I'm sure we'll talk again soon. We will. Thanks everybody for joining.


Thank you, thank you.


Thank you for being a part of this episode of the Thinking CAAP. Check the show notes for resources and links to other episodes and don't forget to subscribe and follow to be notified when new episodes are released. If you have any community action questions you'd like Beck, Amanda or one of our local experts to answer in a future episode. Please email your questions about community action to and mention the ThinkingCAAP


Beck’s Leadership Journey